
A space for the inner ramblings of Terri Muuss

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Zen and the art of breastfeeding

Most of my days are harried. There are always dishes to do, meals to make, diapers to change, phone calls to take, emails to send, and errands to run. Even the best and most enjoyable part of my day- the part that involves my son Rainer- can be exhausting. We play, we eat, we struggle to get down for naps, we read books, and he tries to redecorate the apartment while I follow him and try to put things back into place. I sometimes wish I had a pedometer to track all the walking I do in a single day just following him about. I bet you I walk the equivalent of 8 miles a day!

There is, however, one part of my day that is consistantly relaxing. So relaxing in fact that I can only compare it to a spa trip, a massage, the after sex glow or a shot of tequila(not that I have had any in the past ten years but I have a memory!). What is this amazing event? Nursing sessions. Yes, those few stolen moments with my crazy toddler when we sit in a darkened room, his body stretched across mine nursing are some of the most relaxed, spiritual, happy, and meditative parts of my day. I might go as far as to say of my life, as I am one of the most high-strung and constantly busy people I know. But it is that incredible. While nursing, I relax more deeply than I ever have, come to bigger realizations than I might have before, and am more centered and spiritually open than I thought possible for myself.

What makes this all happen? If I didn't know any better, I might assume that it was all just about rest, finally getting a second to sit in the dark and allow my body to come to repose. But I do know better. I know it is about much more than that. I know how magical breastfeeding really is in every way, including physiologically. Yes, breastfeeding in and of itself is a calming act. Sitting or lying down several times a day while you are snuggling the baby you love is sure to make even this hyperactive person slow down. But the most high-strung of us may need nature's other little benefit...the drugs. Oxytocin and prolactin anyone? They should market this stuff. I really don't know how mothers who don't nurse do it. I for one need those drugs daily.

Okay, this is the way it is described on "Your baby's sucking stimulates nerve endings in the areolae, which send messages to your hypothalamus and pituitary gland (in your brain), causing them to start releasing oxytocin and prolactin, breastfeeding hormones that will begin to calm and relax you." Tell me that isn't cool?! Nature really knows what the hell she is doing!

So beyond the physical and emotional benefits- the bonding, the higher IQ points, the protection against allergies, asthma, eczema, gastroenteritis, ear infections, obesity and diabetes, and the antibodies which offer protection against tons of viruses- you also get the relaxation benefits too! I couldn't be happier.

So maybe the next time you hear someone say, "I need a drink" or "I need a vacation", you can tell them what they really need... to breastfeed! :)


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Athena Reich said...

so interesting. and again - it reads so well. :)


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