Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Oh the places you'll nurse....

Hi all! Just back from a whirlwind tour of many western National Parks with my husband, in-laws, and one year old son. This trip just confirmed how much easier, stress-free and just out and out fun nursing a toddler is on the road. No bottles to bring, heat, or keep chilled. The milk is always fresh from the tap!

On this amazing trip, I was thinking about the diversity of places that I have been able to discretely nurse my hungry, tired, or fussy son. So here is a short list of places I have nursed... from the mundane to the picturesque...Enjoy!


1. in the airport
2. on the plane
3. at the Hoover Dam
4. in numerous hotel rooms
5. while hiking (in a sturdy, soft carrier)
6. on sofas
7. in restaurants
8. at the Grand Canyon during sunset, sunrise and the middle of the day
9. at Bryce, Zion, Arches, Canyonlands and many other National Parks or National Historical Sites
10. while typing this blog
11. while eating a grilled-cheese sandwich
12. in the park
13. in bed while sleeping
14. while writing emails to friends
15. anywhere my son was hungry, tired or fussy

I guess my purpose in writing this blog entry is to break the stereotype of the nursing mom who is chained to her sofa, unable to do anything except generate milk. I have felt so much freer to just grab my little guy, throw him in a front facing carrier and let him nurse happily while I go about the business... or in this trip's case... the recreation of my day. There is so much misinformation out there about breastfeeding; so many stories scaring women into believing that their body will not be enough ("you won't make enough milk", "It will be too hard, painful", etc) or that they will have no freedom. The truth is your body is more than enough and the freedom of nursing vast and filled with endless possibilities if you have the patience and creativity to persevere. In the final analysis, I guess I am just too damn lazy to deal with heating, mixing and maintaining the temperature of bottles. Viva La Boob!!!


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    While I will always try to do my best for my kids, the truth is, nursing was very much for ME! Absolutely - no bottle sterilization, no warming stuff up (or wondering what the heck was I feeding my kid), plus -major benefit - nursing earned me some "alone" time . . . and I sure got to read a lot! Once you get the hang of it, nursing's a cinch!
    Hmm. . . I've also nursed in parks, restaurants, on planes, trains, in cafes, on the beach, in front of the computer, while on the phone, while fixing meals (not near the stove), while answering the door . . . !!!

  2. Oh yes... the phone, the beach, cafes and fixing meals for sure!!! Thanks for adding to the list! Isn't nursing the best?! Thanks for your comment! Terri
